There was a time when styles and martial arts schools were very divided. Each art professing its pride for being the most efficient and effective. As the tradition of learning was passed down from one generation to the next, with every passing year the newer generation felt a heavier responsibility to carry on the traditions of the techniques and the way they were taught. At times, instructors were even passing down techniques and traditions without even understanding the meaning of what they were doing, until someone realized this approach limited growth.
Then, what I would call “Enlightened Martial Arts Masters” came along and while honoring tradition in their hearts they expanded their circle of martial arts education. They challenged tradition and the idea of one style being the very best and started to create a new paradigm that looked at each martial art respectfully as having something good to offer. Instead of feeling threatened martial artists started to share with each other so they could become better. The phrase popularized by President Kennedy is absolutely true, “The rising tide lifts all the boats.”
Like in martial arts, as people who are trying to be the best version of themselves… their PERSONAL BEST, we must do the same. We all have fears and insecurities that cause us to shy away from, write off or minimize learning and giving respect and effort to relationships that could grow us to become more than we are. If we want to grow and realize our full potential, we have to do what martial arts masters had and continue to have to do to grow; admit they don’t have all the answers and be willing and ready to put on a physical, mental and emotional “white belt” and invest the time to stay a student. As the saying goes, “if you want to go fast, go on your own, if you want to go far, go together”.
Magnify the Positives - Shrink the Negatives!
Posted: May 13, 2024
Everyday we all deal with positive things and positive people. As well as negative things and negative people.
What you focus on, is a choice only you can make.
Some people choose to magnify negatives and get stressed out by their problems and challenges. If you allow this to happen, you will soon begin to attract more negatives.
Dedication does not have an off season!
Posted: May 09, 2024
The feeling of motivation is the willingness or desire to do something. I think everyone would say it’s a lot easier to accomplish a task when it feels like you have plenty of energy and time with the finish line of the project in sight. I love those days!!!! Take them when they come as a welcomed gift and be grateful.
The feeling of motivation will come and go, no one feels motivation 100% of the time. To continue to make progress we also need the ability to be able to “push through resistance” when things feel out of alignment. Resistance can come in many forms; it may be the resistance of needing to get something done despite not having the energy, it may be the resistance from a co-worker who doesn’t play their part in completing a project or it may be the feeling of doubt that will periodically occur as you pursue a worthy personal goal.
Motivation is fun to talk about, but if you are only able to workout, study, follow a nutritional plan etc. when you feel motivated you will be forever destined to put energy in when you feel good and lose all the gains you made when you don’t. A person who practices small, steady, daily sustainable action will beat those who waits to feel the motivation before they take action EVERY time. For those things that you are truly desiring to manifest in your life, dedication does not have an off season.
Failure IS a good thing!
Posted: May 03, 2024
A Personal Challenge: Actively pursue the opportunity to fail…
I think beginning in grade school, we were taught that you either pass or fail. Pass of course is good and failure of course is bad. Well when it comes to academic grades it is, but oddly enough when it comes to life some people are starting to question whether lack of failure is really a good thing.
Let’s look at competition in sport martial arts for a moment. If a student was competing as a white belt in the beginner division and over a 6 – 12 month period never lost, I think most people would be questioning why the student hasn’t moved up in Rank. 100% success yes, but where is the growth? The student could conceivably continue his winning ways for two more years, accumulate lots of trophies but never really get any better.
When Multi-Tasking Bad for you?
Posted: April 17, 2024
The more you use your brain in a specific manner, the more it gets accustomed to working and the task at hand tends to become easier and easier. Good and Bad.
Each time we multitask — by browsing the internet, scrolling on social media feeds, checking emails and so on — we train our brains to lose focus and get distracted. Here’s the bad news. Just like the effects of a drug, our brains can get addicted to the dopamine rush from switching tasks and losing focus. Once this happens, it becomes very difficult to break the cycle.
So, what does this mean and how does it relate to the Pillar of “Focus on You.”? From the perspective of giving yourself complete and total attention when you are goal setting, laying out your week, working out, meditating, etc., if your habit of thinking is based on jumping from one thing to another, it will be difficult to rewire your brain when you need it to be there exclusively for you. Next time you are tempted to hop quickly from one topic to another, please remember - there is a lot more at stake for you than simply getting things done.