Black Belt always going for the win
Posted: May 17, 2019
Julia Mulvaney during the Black Belt Spectacular.
Posted: May 17, 2019
Julia Mulvaney during the Black Belt Spectacular.
Posted: May 17, 2019
Matt Drain was eight years old when he started karate classes at the Personal Best Karate in Foxboro. His father was a martial artist, but it was really a cartoon that promised Matt the life he wanted.
“I saw the cartoon ‘Samurai Jack’ and was amazed that despite his own weaknesses and faults he could overcome both emotional and physical danger,” Matt explained. “I desperately wanted to be like Jack – I was emotional and uncoordinated. I wanted to be stronger and better able to handle my feelings as I was often the smallest and least mature of my peers.”
Matt immediately fell in love with the PBK environment and camaraderie. He also grew interested in the history of martial arts. He recognized the need and simplicity for the movements the students are taught. “For example, forms are not just forms,” Matt said. “They are what people were taught for years to honor their history.”
Posted: May 17, 2019
Avantika Naik is just one Ranger who has climbed the Black Belt ladder. Last January, she was awarded her Third Degree Black Belt at the PBK Black Belt Spectacular.
She has come a long way since joining the Personal Best in Foxboro when she was five. "My parents wanted me to learn self-defense," she recalled."I just loved everything about it."
Her favorite part of her training is the sparring program. "I love sparring because you get to choose the techniques - you have to decide in the moment whether to move forward or find an opening," she explained. "It incorporates stamina, reaction and thought process."
Posted: May 17, 2019
Arlei and his instructor, John Mosca
"It was having the structure, the positive role models," said Jennifer Rahwan about why she signed her son Arlei up for karate at the Personal Best Karate in Norwood. "It was the perfect place for him."
Posted: May 17, 2019
Madelyn Bellas is your typical first grader. She attends George H. Mitchell Elementary School in Bridgewater. She loves cheetahs, science and hip hop dance. And she is training for her Black Belt at Personal Best Karate in Raynham.
At the school for over a year now, Madelyn loves the classes that teach "the kicks and punches the best". She is mindful of working hard in class to leave room for the games, especially the karate bowling, her favorite.
Madelyn's instructor, Joey Greenhalgh, echoes the work Madelyn puts in at class. "Madelyn is an excellent student - she works hard and has always been a leader in the class," he said. "She is a great role model."