Your elevation may require your isolation
Posted: April 11, 2023
While life may in some cases, may not be fair, what is fair is we all have 24 hour per day and seven days in a week, no more, no less. How we use our time determines the result we create. In today’s fast paced world, there is not a shortage of things to do. We can literally be busy with activities that will eat away all of our valuable and needed rest and recharge time.
To learning new skills or upgrade what we already know may require compressing some of the daily tasks so that we can create the block of time to take the class, read the book or invest in some face-to-face mentoring. We can all work hard every day doing the daily tasks but not make forward progress in our position or level of responsibilities. To improve the quality or quantity of what we do require self-investment. What are the times during your week that you have allocated for your own self investment?