The Right Summertime Activity Provides Learning and Safety
Posted: July 03, 2019
Everyone loves the summer! A time when the schedule is a bit more relaxed and everyone can more easily enjoy recreational activities. Keeping your child from being a couch potato in the summer is important, but equally important is giving them the right kind of mental and physical stimulation.
While traditionally no one likes summer school, martial arts at Personal Best can be a very rewarding activity. Students have a more flexible schedule which allows each student to easily make progress at the same rate they do year round while still having plenty of time for the sun. It also provides a level of structure and reinforcement of vital self-defense skills to balance off the mounds of uninterrupted free time.
For the students craving a camp-type feel, we also have martial arts day camp which includes a variety of enjoyable fun themed days. The camp combines martial arts with awesome activities including super soakers, arts and crafts, relay races all run by professionally trained in-house Personal Best instructors who know how to reinforce the life lessons and codes of conduct you value. It is the benefit of keeping the mind sharp, the body strong, the stress down and the role model behavior firing on all cylinders.
Whether it is our year round program or a summer day camp at Personal Best, you have the peace of mind to know the reward comes in your children loving the experience and you knowing that you are providing the very best for them in the long run.
If you would like to have your child try our award-winning character based martial arts program that will reinforce family value and teach mental and physical skills to ensure they are safe, please go to the registration page to sign up today. I promise you that our team of highly-skilled martial arts teachers and mentors will make you and your family feel right at home.