Q&A with Master Rappold
Posted: December 20, 2023
How can I get my martial arts skills to be more automatic?
Believe it or not, one of the best ways to help your martial arts skills become more automatic is to slow down the execution in your personal practice and be attentive to the details of each movement. Contrary to what most people think, which is to speed up, try slowing down and feeling the balance, power and movement from start to finish. Allow your body to feel every movement from its start to its completion. Gradually build up speed as your body feels ready.
When I spar I feel my body get tense, how can I train my body to be more relaxed?
Anytime you feel tension in your body it is because you are trying to perform at a level that is higher than your current abilities. The best way to improve this is to ask your training partner to slow down until you feel the tension leave your body. Allow your practice to stay at this speed level and then gradually increase. I recommend practicing skills at 30% speed and power. If this is too fast then decrease it. Especially when you are learning a new skill, break it down one movement at a time and keep it slow. Until your body remains relaxed do not add speed or power.
How long should you hold a stretch if you are trying to improve your flexibility?
First it is important to allow your body to heat up. Cold muscles don't stretch very well. Once you have a little sweat and movement done in the area you want to improve, then gently relax into a position that allows your muscle to lengthen. You want enough stretch so you feel it but not enough so your muscles want to contract and shorten. The difference between a good stretch and the muscle wanting to protect itself by contracting may only be a half inch so you want to be very focused. No pain no gain is for strengthening not for stretching. Maintain the optimum hold for 30 to 90 seconds for maximum benefit. Practice this 3 times per week and watch your flexibility improve.
What is a great way to develop footwork in sparring?
While there are many ways that will develop excellent footwork, one great activity that has stood the test of time in combat sports is jumping rope. The reason jumping rope is so good for your footwork is that it teaches you how to stay on the balls of your feet and keep a rhythm. People who are excellent at sparring can move forward, back, left and right with ease. They do not tire either. When someone is sparring and their legs start to fatigue the first thing that happens is they become flat footed which puts them at a disadvantage. Also sparring