It’s not about the bed
Posted: June 18, 2019
Having a front row seat to some phenomenal parents over the past 20 years at Personal Best Karate has reinforced a lot to me. One of the most valuable items has been the concept of the routine. Students of all ages who grow and progress in our program often do so because they have made their martial arts training a way of life. They schedule the time to train on a regular basis, and although they have a choice to come any of six days a week, most adhere to their predetermined schedule. If their routine is Monday and Wednesday for their classroom training they stick to it. Because of this there is no energy wasted in thinking, “when will I train this week”, they “set it and forget it”
Simple acts of daily routines can also create positive life habits. Since the beginning of Personal Best Karate I have advocated the habit of making your bed in the morning. The reason is that it takes personal discipline to do so. I believe that self discipline is like a muscle in that the more you use it, the bigger and stronger it grows; conversely, the less you use it the weaker it becomes. In the long run, it is well worth the energy it takes to put your success habits and the success habits of your children on automatic pilot. You can start with simple tasks like making your bed then extend it to exercise, nutrition or whatever else you value. What you choose is up to you, it’s about being the very best you can be, it’s not about the bed.
If you would like to have your child try our award-winning character based martial arts program that will reinforce family value and teach mental and physical skills to ensure they are safe, please go to the registration page to sign up today. I promise you that our team of highly-skilled martial arts teachers and mentors will make you and your family feel right at home.