Dedication does not have an off season!
Posted: May 09, 2024
The feeling of motivation is the willingness or desire to do something. I think everyone would say it’s a lot easier to accomplish a task when it feels like you have plenty of energy and time with the finish line of the project in sight. I love those days!!!! Take them when they come as a welcomed gift and be grateful.
The feeling of motivation will come and go, no one feels motivation 100% of the time. To continue to make progress we also need the ability to be able to “push through resistance” when things feel out of alignment. Resistance can come in many forms; it may be the resistance of needing to get something done despite not having the energy, it may be the resistance from a co-worker who doesn’t play their part in completing a project or it may be the feeling of doubt that will periodically occur as you pursue a worthy personal goal.
Motivation is fun to talk about, but if you are only able to workout, study, follow a nutritional plan etc. when you feel motivated you will be forever destined to put energy in when you feel good and lose all the gains you made when you don’t. A person who practices small, steady, daily sustainable action will beat those who waits to feel the motivation before they take action EVERY time. For those things that you are truly desiring to manifest in your life, dedication does not have an off season.
Two questions to think about…
- Have you broken down what you are pursuing into small enough goals that you are easily able to sustain momentum even if the motivation to do so is not available to you?
- What can you do to make taking daily action easier?